Baby steps into Freelancing

I’ve recently stumbled across Yahoo! Contributor Network and have been writing little articles up a storm. It’s pretty amazing that I can either accept specific assignments, some for upfront payments, or write about whatever I feel like writing about. Mainly the pay is based off page views and will be slow coming, but that’s ok. I feel I need a small step for my first one. 

I’ve had seven article published already, two of which were for upfront payments and to me that’s rather exciting. Until now I’d never been paid for any of my writing. I’ve come up with a few mini goals for this outlet that I want to accomplish before I push forward in any other area. 

On Y!CN they have their own “academy”, a series of little courses to read through and complete a short quiz at the end. There are three levels to this academy plus some elective courses. I want to “graduate” and complete all the electives. It supposedly makes your profile look better and you will receive higher paying assignments. If this proves true, then the time used to read through this material is worth it and therefore justified. So my first goal is complete all of these little courses by the end of next week.

As of right now, I’ve had a mere $6.17 deposited into my Paypal account for my work on this site. While it’s something, and definitely a start, I’m looking forward to making more. Once the assignments I’ve claimed are completed and published I will have a total of $42.17. My next goal, before allowing my focus to open to other outlets as well, is to have generated a deposited income of $75 from this one source. 

These are baby steps. I’m looking forward to swimming in the deep end of freelance writing but am ok with testing the waters first. Once my toe is accustom to the temp of the water, I’ll put my whole foot in. Then I will most likely dive on in. I’m looking forward to publishing my first Ebook and of course my first printed book will be a dream come true, but with so many creative people out there, those seem to be goals you have to work up to.