Another Go?

I know, I know. Last time I was on here I was all gung-ho about NaNoWriMo. And nothing ever came of it. I have a cross-country move to blame for that.

Moving from North Carolina to North Dakota was no hop, skip or jump, especially with two young children.

But alas, it’s the middle of June now, which means next month is another round of Camp NaNoWriMo. Guess who’s already got their suitcase packed and ready to go!?!?

That’s right, I’m giving binge writing another go. This time my camp goal is the typical 50K that is expected in November. I’m actually shooting for 62K (a daily goal of 2K), but am trying not to get over-zealous.

I’m using the same story I meant to write in November, but have been mapping out scenes. I find myself once again in the prep phase.

This time, there’s no move, no vacation, no excuses. I WILL write 50K+ words this July and I will finish the remainder of the book in August so that I can begin my first round of edits/revisions in September.

I will have this book through three rounds of edit by the end of 2015, hopefully ready to submit as the new year begins.

I will also update all of you on my progress at least twice a week.

One of these days y’all will be able to read a book of my words instead of just hit and miss blogs.

Thank you to all of you who support me!